Inet Solutions

The Top 10 Benefits Of Link Building

In the last few years, the scope of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has come to mean building backlinks. This is not a surprise as Google counts backlinks as one of its top three ranking factors.

Building backlinks is the number one Off-Page SEO function. SEO experts and agencies agree that search rankings are most affected by the number of backlinks. This is why Link Building has become one of the most important digital marketing strategies around the world. In this article, we will look at the Top 10 Benefits of Link Building.

However, before we get there, it would be best to understand what Link Building means.

Link Building: Meaning and Definition

Link Building is the process of placing your website’s backlinks in external websites, often of a higher authority. According to experts, Google looks at backlinks as recommendations of your website in other websites.

Google works on the logic that the content on your website is so good that other publishers want to put it in front of their audiences in order to enhance their information. This means that the information and quality content part of link building is something, which Google emphasizes.

Backlinks are classified into two categories- Do-Follow and No-Follow.

Do-Follow Links are those that help in SEO scores, improve search rankings and improving site metrics. They not only help in directing traffic but also aid in scores.

No-Follow Links are those that only help in directing traffic. They do not help in increasing SEO scores or website metrics.

However, the ambiguity surrounding the effect no-follow links have on search rankings is something that Google itself has not been able to clear. No-follow links, especially from high authority sites like Quora, Reddit and Social Media have been found to affect metrics, traffic and search rankings by a number of digital marketing experts.

Top 10 Benefits of Link Building: The List

1. Increase in Website Traffic

If you want to attract relevant audiences from industry authority sites, link building is one of the best ways to do so. An effective link building strategy that targets relevant audiences and industry niches is able to improve traffic from external sources. Website traffic is perhaps one of the most important factors to gauge a website’s health.

2. Improvement in Search Rankings

Nearly everyone who is working as a SEO executive will tell you that how building backlinks is the only way to climb search rankings. Let me give you an example. Your competitor who ranks above you in search for your industry keywords will always have a higher percentage of backlinks. In order to over rank him, you will need to create more backlinks that he has.

3. Higher Website Metrics and SEO Scores

If you are a bit familiar with digital marketing and SEO scores, you might have heard of terms like- Domain Authority (DA), Domain Rating (DR), Page Rank (PR), Alexa Rank and so on. Building backlinks help in improving these website metrics. The higher your metrics the better will be the health of your website. This also aids in improving visibility and exposure.

4. Better Credibility and Reputation

As I have already mentioned, for Google, the higher number of backlinks means that many publishers endorse your site. This not only helps in increasing credibility in front of search engines, but users as well. If a user finds your backlink in one of the leading authority sites, they will regard your website and your brand to be of the same standing.

5. More Sales and Revenue Generation Opportunities

Higher website traffic and better metrics open up newer opportunities for revenue generation. Not only will you be able to sell more of your brand’s products and services, you will also be able to generate newer avenues of revenues. Paid promotions, Google AdSense, Sponsorships and Collaborations will help you improve your revenues and profit margins.

6. Improves Relationships and Networking in your Niche

As Google recommends, your link building strategy should only concentrate on building backlinks in your industry niche. For Google, relevancy is the new Page Rank. This means that you will be connected to several players and authority voices in your niche. Link Building might open up greater opportunities for businesses and other avenues of collaborations.

7. Establishes your Brand as an Authority Voice

Every brand want to stand right at the top of the hierarchy in their respective industries. A sustained Link Building strategy that is planned and executed can help brands emerge as an authority voice in their niche. This leads to increase in consumer trust, better sales, revenues and branding for the brand. Whenever there is any talk about the industry, your brand’s voice will be the defining one in any conversation, which takes place.

8. Continuous and Sustained Referral Traffic

Once you have created a permanent link on an authority site, you will be getting website traffic from the same link for a very long time. This is far more beneficial that traditional models of advertising and marketing. Once a Billboard is removed, you will stop seeing results from that channel. By building quality backlinks, you can ensure that your website sees traffic from external publishers.

9. Greater Visibility and Exposure

Even though most SEOs and agencies are only concerned with link building from an increase in search rankings perspective, it can also help in credible lead generation. If you want to reach out to a new audience in a different geographical territory, building backlinks will help you reach a new audience and market. This can be highly beneficial for your business.

10. Better Information and Higher Quality Content for Readers

One of the biggest advantages of link building is the fact that your readers will always be able to enjoy high quality content. This content is informative, educational, solves a problem and adds value to the consumers. Since most brands shy away from direct link building, they tend to concentrate on information and issues that lead to subtle link placements, often of an indirect nature.


Even though most SEO experts and agencies agree on the benefits of Link Building, they do not agree on the strategies to attain the same. Google mandates that agencies and brands always follow White Hat Link Building strategies. This means that manipulations, buying and selling links, Private Blog Networks and Link Directories should be avoided. They come under Black Hat or Grey Hat strategies.

What are some of the popular Link Building strategies, which you follow? Do let us know in the comments section below.