
Google Act On 65% Of Received Spam Reports
Ever submitted a spam report to Google? Did you think if someone will ever look upon it and actually take some action? Well, we finally have an answer…

Google Gets Rid Of Toolbar PageRank - Good Or Bad News?
PageRank - the first and probably the most popular Google search algorithm has been officially killed off on Monday, the 7th of March 2016. The 0 to 10…

Animated Business Cards In Google Search Results - Why Not?
Recently I read a couple of articles and opinions about an interesting test made by Google so I felt intrigued by the topic. We are talking about animated…

JavaScript & CSS Includes Do Overload Google's Fetch & Mobile Testing Tools
Ever stumbled upon a situation where a website that has many JavaScript and CSS includes just gives too much errors while being tested with Google's testing…

How Important Are HTML Sitemaps & Do We Really Need Them?
To be honest, I don't remember the last time I opened an HTML sitemap but the truth is that HTML sitemaps related to your website should be considered…

You Don't Have To Worry About Unique IP Addresses Says Google
If you have done any SEO at all (or have read about it), you have probably heard/read of people warning you to always use unique IP addresses if you have…

Penguin 4.0 Should Launch Soon And It Will Be Real-Time
Google's very own Gary Illyes said on Twitter, that the very much anticipated Google Penguin 4.0 update that didn't come to be in 2015, and that didn't…

Google Penguin 4.0 Still Without a Release Date
As we already reported, Google has decided to forego the release of the new Penguin 4.0 for early 2016. However, there are still no news of the exact release…

Matt Cuts Reveals Old Google PageRank Documents
The former leader of the Google web spam team Matt Cutts shared, on Twitter, a few documents portraying early Google PageRank development notes and other…

Backlinks Created By The OnHover Event Are Not Identified By GoogleBot
On December 29, 2015, in this Google Hangout, John Mueller said that if you implement an OnHover event on your website that turns plain text into a link,…