
Do Multiple Title Tags Cause Problems With Google?
Even if you are the most punctual, hard working and straight to the point SEO out there, you have probably stumbled upon websites written in a disorganized,…

Why Spam Algorithms Do Not Work As Expected In Some Regions?
We already had a couple of news articles connected to spam but after all, spam is an inextricable part of the SEO sector. The topic of this article comes…

Machine Learning Is Used In Spam Algorithms Already
During the previous weeks I saw a lot of posts and articles that confirmed the fact that Google uses machine learning into the spam algorithms already.…

60 Clients Penalized Due To Bad SEO Work Ethics
This might as well reach the IT yellow pages, but I stumbled upon an interesting situation noted in a thread on Google My Business Help. It seems that…

The Top Three Ranking Factors Finally Revealed By Google
We are all wondering what are the most important factors when it comes to constructing the Google search ranking. Probably every SEO influenced person…

Do Clicks Influence Google Search Ranking?
Do Clicks influence Google search ranking? Is Google telling the truth about click data and pogosticking, meaning that clicking on a specific search result…

Google Accepts Reviews In Original Language On Internationalized Pages
The language area of study is one of the most complex ones that the human brain ever produced. This is obvious from the philological point of view but…

Google Will Boost Mobile Friendly Ranking Factors In May
Do you remember the mobile friendly ranking algorithm that Google launched on the 21st of April 2015? Well, if you do, maybe this information will please…

Does Google Use Site Authority Signals For New Pages?
If you ever wondered if Google uses authority signals for new pages, we now have an answer for you. John Mueller from Google confirmed this fact during…

Google Search Positions 8, 9, And 10, And The Clicks Behind Them
Interesting information about the amount of clicks that pages ranked at the last positions on Google's first page that came up at the beginning of March…