Entries by Evelina Brown

Why Going Online Completely Reshaped Business Advertising

Not long ago, advertising for a business was a difficult and costly pursuit. In the modern age of the internet, the former avenues which dominated are increasingly finding themselves by the wayside. By looking at some common examples of modern online advertising, we want to examine why this area has seen such a dramatic shift […]

App Ideas: Showcasing them via Apple Watch Mockup

The Apple Watch has truly revolutionized how we use watches. A decade ago, the watch only tells time. Now, though, it seems like time is the least important thing you need from a smartwatch. After all, your phone can also tell you the time. There are thousands of Apple Watch applications out there and for […]

How to Attract Customers Through Content Marketing?

Advertising has stopped bringing customers? Is it expensive? Then it is time to change the promotion strategy! Learn how to take your business to the next level with valuable content Everybody uses advertising to attract clients. It is simple in nature and clear: placed an ad or launched a video – got (or did not […]