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5 Ways How to Get Paid More for SEO Writing in 2020

Nowadays, earning good money from SEO writing is not as easy as it was several years ago. Simple content tweaks and manipulative strategies no longer work. To succeed as an SEO writer in 2020, you need to be calculating, smart, and in tune with what Google and other search engines require. If your goal is to boost your income through SEO writing, you need to consider the tips outlined below.

One of the most common questions content writers ask themselves is, “How do I write my paper and earn a good income?” If this question seems familiar to you, this article will give you 5 ways how to get paid more for SEO writing in 2020. A simple Google search will also give you many great tips to help you increase your writing income.

As a content writer, you probably come across tons of ads looking for “SEO writers.” In most cases, they usually mean people who will quickly put together content from several websites on a particular topic and include numerous keywords and phrases to boost page ranking. Most of these ads do not even look for great writers. They simply seek articles that will pass Copyscape.

This type of content is, to put it mildly, simply crap. Professional content writers have several names for this form of writing. The most common are article spinning and retyping. Just because your article or blog is readable does not mean that people will want to read it; in fact, you may be writing an article for search engines to read. 

How to Earn More from SEO Writing in 2020

To succeed in this field and make bank in the process, you need to consider the following tips:

1. Place Keyword Phrases and Individual Keywords in the Right Places

When it comes to SEO writing, your keyword and Keyword phrase placement can make a huge difference. It is important to place these words and phrases in the first line or first paragraph of your article to improve its searchability.

2. Have a Contract with your Client

If you are a freelance writer hired to write SEO articles, you need to insist on a contract with your employer or client, which should include a statement stating that he/she will not use your byline. The last thing you want is for readers or magazine editors to associate you with keyword-stuffed and uninformative blogs or articles. 

3. Keyword/Phrase Use

If your client wants you to include a certain keyword or phrase in your content, you should ensure that it is present. However, you also need to use several different variations of the keyword/phrase because people use different words to search for any particular information.

4. Use Different SEO Tools

One of the most important tools for SEO writers is Google’s keyword tool. It will help you discover different connections between keywords. You can use it to get great keyword suggestions to use in your content, which will help your client’s site rank higher in most search engines. If you learn how to identify words or phrases that get the most hits, your value as an SEO writer will increase.

5. Understand your Client’s Goals

When a client asks you to write SEO articles for him/her, the first thing you need to do is ask him/her to explain his/her objectives and goals. Your client may be looking for well-written articles, informative articles, or a combination of both. Understanding his/her goals will help you meet them or even exceed them, which will make you more valuable to him/her.

Many individual affiliates, businesses, and entrepreneurs hire freelance SEO writers. At its basic level, SEO, or search engine optimization, involves creating keyword-rich content that will generate high web traffic and rank websites higher on search engines. SEO content is less engaging and informative that content you would write for a thesis paper or magazine. Nevertheless, SEO writing is very important for online businesses.